r 0,7 input " ite# 2, Frequency 2: ####.### Frequency 1: Catalog number: Satellite name: Is data correct (Y/n): ORBS.EXE Updates complete.. YN Make an entry (y/N): DMAAccept, Delete, Modify this entry (A/d/m): FREQS.ORBFREQS.TMPsatellite's CATALOG number accurately.. the record is keyed on it. does not have to be strictly a beacon. Make certain you enter the frequencies; the frequency specified can be any you wish to track. Itby blank entry(s) to allow you to add to the list of satellite beacon Existing entries will be presented for possible modification, followed = 11/03/1987 = = Modify FREQS.ORB Entries = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = dim DY